Get ₹1700 shipping credits on first recharge of ₹1000 | Use Code: FLAT700 | T&C Apply
Get StartedYou must read, agree with and accept all of the terms and conditions contained in this User Agreement and the privacy policy before you may become a member of RapidShyp.
Banned restricted products and services: You hereby agree that you will not book / handover any good/shipment which is banned, restricted, illegal, prohibited, stolen, or infringing of any third party rights, or which contains any cash, jewellery (excluding artificial jewellery), gold, silver, diamond, platinum, precious metals, precious stones, currency, bullion, financial and security instruments, or any reactive, hazardous or dangerous items/goods which are in breach of any applicable law or of any packaging/transportation guidelines of the concerned logistics vendor; in which cases RapidShyp/its logistic vendor shall not be responsible and liable for the delivery of any such products, any loss, damage, theft or misappropriation of such products.
Without prejudice to the generality of the above, OSBS does not permit hosting of following items:
Furthermore, you agree to adhere to a terms of use or other user-type agreement, as well as a privacy policy, governing Your operation of Your Store and Your conduct with Your Store’s customers.
Last Updated: 31st January 2025